My SBE Journal

The first day (4/4/2022)

I was nervous. The meaning of nervousness here is those questions kept running in my head. Questions like "Is everything going to be okay?", "Will I mess up?", "Am I going to get scolded?". I tried to prepare myself so that I can be the trainee teacher that I myself dreamed of. The one that is always well-prepared, charismatic and always focused. With some positive thoughts that I shoved in my head, I went to school, kept being faithful and appeared there with a smiling face. Gratefully, those horror thoughts have been shut as I learned that everyone there is so nice. The headmaster, the GPK 1, the staff, the teachers and my mentor are all so kind and welcomed me so well. Talking about "us", I was glad when I found out that there were two trainee teachers who underwent SBE at the same school just like me. With all the good things that happened on the first day, I was happy thinking that this SBE would give me a good experience.

The second day (5/4/2022)

This day was the second day of my SBE. That morning felt peaceful and chilly. One of my SBE-mates entered a classroom to conduct a lesson and I joined her. I could see the classroom environment. It was actually fun getting to see the students interacting with the teacher in the classroom. It amazed me how the students were able to participate and respond properly during the lesson. Even though I am not their teacher, somehow I felt proud seeing them. However, I did not enter any classes during that day to teach. But it was a nice experience getting to join my friend’s lesson.

The third day (6/4/2022)

During this day, I got the chance to do the tasks that were given to us which were providing a set of questions to the students and conducting several activities in the classroom. I did feel nervous but luckily the feeling ended early as the lesson took place early in the morning. When I arrived at school, I entered the classroom right away to fulfill the tasks. There were numerous feelings that I felt during the lesson. I could feel the nervousness, excitement and tiredness. I remembered that it was only a few minutes into the lesson but I already felt exhausted. It made me wonder how can the teachers maintain their energy and keep up with many classes from morning until afternoon. Nonetheless, I still felt satisfied after I had finished conducting the activities. Other than that, I joined a programme called “Ihya’ Ramadhan”. It felt different to sit at the back of the hall playing the role of a “teacher” because usually at school, of course, I will sit at the front as a student.

The last day (7/4/2022)

This was the last day. I actually did feel sad thinking that this was the last day of my SBE at that school. The teachers and the surroundings were so pleasant to me that my heart felt quite heavy to leave the school. Nevertheless, I did several things that I could do with the remaining time that I had. I went to the school’s library and once I entered, I was so shocked because it is so organized and beautiful. It also has a lot of items and elements that amazed me such as some replicas, a television, a stage and a spot that looked like a studio to take pictures of as it has the studio lights and green background. After that, when the time had reached its end, I greeted goodbye my friends and the teachers. I went to the office to show my gratitude to the teachers and staff after all the kindness that they have given me. All in all, I felt delighted as in my opinion, I was able to try my best in accomplishing my last SBE. Also, I left the school with good memories in my mind and that was enough to make me feel grateful.


  1. The writing is good. It's nice that you have included many photos after the journal.

  2. I love your writing and the pictures are beautiful too! Your school really put a lot of effort in decorating the school compound.

  3. I like how you describe your feelings through this writing. The pictures provided really help to create memory on your journal.

  4. I see you really had hard times believing in what you are capable to do. Your insecurity is conveyed throughout the writing and it reflects to readers. given that your SBE gets shorten to 4 days, you got to cramp 5days work to 4days. You did well, baby!

  5. It's nice to read your journey during SBE. I am sure you did well Farah. I could totally understand your nervousness as i felt that too.

  6. Wonderful! I can relate to you when you mention about nervousness. I also think a lot of negative thoughts. The experience that you share is very interesting. I am sure the school is beautiful and the people there are sweet and kind too.


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